Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stop Trying to Make Money Online | Copyblogger

image of stop sign

Isn?t it time we quit talking about ?making money online??

When you look at what Amazon, iTunes, and Google are doing ? as well as countless e-learning and other technology companies (with more showing up every day), it?s pretty obvious that it?s not ?making money online? any more.

It?s just running a business in the world we live in.

If you?re looking for another one of those ?business in a box? solutions, you should stop reading this post now.

(You should also never read anything else I write, because it will only get on your nerves.)

Copyblogger will never teach you a ?money-getting system,? like some of the so-called gurus do. We don?t teach you how to make money with your website. We teach flexible frameworks for creating and improving real-world businesses.

We?ve do have a few pretty darned good maps, but you?re still the one who needs to take the steps.

Websites don?t make money. Businesses make money.

Look again at that list of companies up there.

Amazon. iTunes. Google.

They?re businesses. They serve customers and take in revenue. They don?t measure success in ?engagement? or Facebook Likes or page views. They measure success by how much profit they make.

If they don?t make enough profit, they improve their products or their marketing ? or both.

It doesn?t matter if you want to make $100 a month or $100,000 a month. It doesn?t matter how many or how few hours you?re ready to commit.

Until you think of what you?re doing as a business, you?re going to spin your wheels.

Everything else can be learned.

(There are a few people out there who will tell you that entrepreneurship is some kind of special ?inherited trait? held by the chosen few. These people have what I like to call a reality problem. I give you permission to ignore them.)

This is an interesting time

If you have a lot of ideas and a good work ethic to back them up, this is a very interesting time for you.

Change itself is our new stability. Everything is in motion.

Look at the revolution in online learning companies. Even as there?s been an explosion of high-quality university courses moving online for free, there?s been an equal or greater explosion of non-traditional education.

Education that?s more about results and less about pieces of paper. Education serving new types of learners, with different formats and different learning models.

More and more people are making something that hasn?t ever been seen before ? and they?re doing beautifully.

This post is an excerpt (tweaked slightly) from a free special report Brian Clark and I just wrote on The Online Education Revolution: Will You Lead or Fall Behind?

We wrote it as part of our Teaching Sells launch, which is happening right now. (If you have no idea what Teaching Sells is, here?s the scoop.)

We?d love to send you the rest of the report, as well as a 20-Step Road Map and an audio seminar on how to solve ?the traffic problem.? (Those are all free.)

The report, Road Map, and seminar work together to give you a basic orientation to building an online education business. For some, that?s all they need to move forward and start creating something epic. Others will want more support and direction, which is where the complete Teaching Sells course comes in.

To get instant access to the report ? with the Road Map, seminar, case studies, and additional articles coming your way over the next week or so ? swing by and leave your email address at Teaching Sells.

You?ll get a link to the report (and more good things) as soon as you confirm that you want to hear from us. But don?t procrastinate ? once we close enrollment to new members for 2012, all of the free stuff goes away as well.

Look forward to seeing there ?

About the Author: Sonia Simone is co-founder and CMO of Copyblogger Media. Get more from Sonia on Twitter and Google+.



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