Thursday, November 29, 2012

Optimizing Your Landing Pages for Increased Success | Business 2 ...

Your landing page is critical when it comes to your business?s success. It is important that your landing page has the most up-to-date and appropriate information possible. You should look at it and assess its effectiveness and improve content periodically.

Using content sparingly on your landing page

It is not a good idea to make your landing page too content heavy because it may overwhelm (or even intimidate) your visitors. You should try to make your paragraphs short and make sure that the language that you use is clear and concise and gets right to the point of telling your visitors about your business as well as communicating what you can do for them.

The advantage of putting your form on your landing page

The landing page is an extremely important element when it comes to attracting online traffic. Your landing page should contain and accurate description of what you do and what you represent. It should also contain a call-to-action, in which you need to tell your visitors exactly what you want them to do. Landing pages often contain forms that you want your visitors to complete. You may have a better chance of getting your visitors to complete your form if you put it on the landing page itself as opposed to providing a link on your landing page that leads to the form.

Making your form as simple as possible

The simpler you make your form, the better your chances will be of getting your visitors to complete it. As you are looking at your form and considering how you might be able to reduce the number of fields that you have, you need to identify which information must stay (name, Email address, and/or phone number) in your form and which information can be eliminated. You need to make sure that whichever data you sacrifice is not going to cause you to lose out on people who could have very well ended up becoming your loyal customers eventually. Of course, the positive results that you will gain are that your visitors will view you in a positive light because you have not annoyed them with a long, tedious form to complete.

Clear and concise headlines

Your headlines are going to be the part of your writing that will either attract the attention of your readers or not. The headline, of course, is the first thing that your visitor is going to read. It is critical that you make it abundantly clear what your business is all about and your headline must include some message about how you plan to help your visitors to solve their problems. If your headlines are not well written, your customers will leave your website and most likely won?t be inclined to return.

Perfect grammar

When content contains grammatical errors, spelling errors, awkward language, etc, it says a great deal about the writer (or the business owner). It says that the person doesn?t pay attention to details and that they are careless and don?t care about the quality of the work that they produce. That is not the image that you want to portray to your existing clients and perspective clients.

Building trust

Trust is a critical element when it comes to your business and one of the places where trust comes into play in a big way is on the landing page. Some of the ways in which you can build trust are with testimonials, security and trust certification, seals of approval, etc. The more your visitors trust you, the more inclined they will be to eventually buy from you. It is a simple fact.


As was discussed earlier, remember that it is important to periodically examine your landing page and continue to ask yourself if it is still working as well for your business as it did when you first created it. If the answer is truly ?yes,? you are in good shape. However, if the answer is ?no,? you need to revisit what you have and try to come up with ways to really make it buzz again.

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