Friday, November 16, 2012

I am a Writer, and so are You. ? |-| Fajr |-|

As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullah

? I can?t say I?m a writer or an author, but I love to write.

To pen those thoughts, and capture those images in my mind; translating them into a readable language. Pausing to reflect and capture the right word, the right tense, the right emotion. To write and write, then erase all that upon the descent of a better word and sentence structure. Sometimes, amidst inactivity, I resort to translating the work of others so I can keep my wrist moving and my mind engaged in the world of books and unspoken words.

To write means to release those cluttered thoughts, jammed in the mind, and then arrange them nicely on a blank page, to give a deep but vibrant image. The words have the depth of thoughts but they are as clear as the white page itself.

Writing is at times better than speaking.
See, a word once uttered cannot be taken back; you cannot U N S P E A K.
But a page once written can be edited again and again until it?s ready for publishing?


Allah `azza wa jall, the Majestic King and Creator of all, has allowed us to write our own books in the life of this world. We are all writers and authors? even the illiterate have been gifted by the Most Merciful. We write veraciously and cover vast topics; we move swiftly from scene to scene and in the end we have not one chapter, but volumes of work and we are the scholars of our own thoughts, acted out.

But our book remains in edit for as long as we live.

Yawm al-?Ardh (Exposition) ? that is the day we have our books published; that is the Day of Viewing, Accounting and Recompense. We do not sell our literary works to publishing houses or companies; rather we are the sole buyers of that masterpiece. So let him whose work pleases him, praise Allah, and let him who sees failure blame no-one but himself, because we are all writers and authors. Thoughts precede an act and none have penned our thoughts but us.

? I can?t say I?m a writer or an author, but I love to live life knowing that in reality, I am.


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