Friday, September 21, 2012

The Note's Must-Reads for Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News' Jayce Henderson, Amanda VanAllen, and Carrie Halperin

PRESIDENT OBAMA: The New York Times' Peter Baker and Eric Lipton:"I n Tight Race, Obama Wields All Levers of Power in Reach" For months, government lawyers and economists worked behind the scenes to develop a trade case against China. Then last month came a eureka moment: They confirmed the existence of a Chinese subsidy program for automobiles and parts that in their view violated international trade rules. LINK

Bloomberg's Jonathan D. Salant: " Poll Finds Obama in Better Shape Than Any Nominee Since Clinton" President Barack Obama is in a better position to win November's election than any presidential candidate since Bill Clinton in 1996, according to a nationwide poll released today that shows him with an eight-percentage- point lead among likely voters. LINK

MITT ROMNEY: ABC News' Gregory J. Kreig and Emily Friedman: " Romney Vows to Be President for 'the 100 Percent'" Mitt Romney said three times in the opening 10 minutes of tonight's Univision "Meet the Candidate" forum that his campaign is "about the 100 percent," a clear message to voters who have been swamped with sound bites and video clips that show the candidate suggesting he wasn't concerned about the nearly half of the country unlikely to vote for him. "My campaign is about the 100 percent of America," Romney said to the University of Miami crowd. LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Mary Lu Carnevale: " Romney on Helping the Poor: 'I Can. He Can't.'" Mitt Romney again tried to correct a perception, sparked by a secretly recorded video, that he has little concern for those who aren't well off. "The question of this campaign is not who cares about the poor and the middle class. I do. He does. The question is: Who can help the poor and the middle class? I can! He can't!" he told donors at an Atlanta fundraiser, referring to President Barack Obama. LINK

The Boston Globe's Matt Viser: " Romney's words hinder his campaign" There is deep unease among Republicans, and no shortage of advice for Mitt Romney on how to right his campaign ship in the seven weeks remaining before the election. Some have called for a campaign staff shake-up. Others want Romney to be more visible on the campaign trail. They want more backbone, bigger ideas, and sharper ads. LINK

The Los Angeles Times' Seema Mehta: " Romney tells Latino audience he would fix immigration system" Mitt Romney sought to assuage Latino voters Wednesday, downplaying positions he took on immigration during the GOP primaries, vowing to seek a bipartisan solution and castigating President Obama for failing to keep promises he made to the fast-growing population segment. Obama "said in the first year, among his highest priorities would be to fix the immigration system. But he never even filed a bill," Romney said. "So it's time to put politics aside, and I will actually fix the immigration system and make it work for the people of America." LINK

The Washington Times' Seth McLaughlin: " Romney escalates attack on Obama's economic vision" Far from backing away, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and his campaign are embracing his claim that nearly half of Americans are dependent on government as they seek to frame the race as a choice between the GOP's wealth-creation policies and what they called President Obama's wealth-redistribution message. LINK

Politico's Mike Allen and Jim Vandehei: " Romney rescue plan: More Mitt" After taking a beating for comments he privately wishes he never made and from conservative critics he wishes he could muzzle, Mitt Romney and his campaign are settling on a rescue plan to show more of him - in ads, speeches and campaign appearances. LINK

PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES: USA Today's Catalina Camia: " Economy to rule in first Obama vs. Romney debate" In case there was any doubt, it's still all about the economy. President Obama and Mitt Romney will spend at least half of their first debate talking about the economy, based on the list of topics released today by moderator Jim Lehrer of PBS. LINK

GOP: The Hill's Molly Hooper: " Senate GOP leaders dodge questions on Romney's '47 percent' remarks" Senate Republican leaders on Wednesday didn't answer questions in front of TV cameras about Mitt Romney's controversial "47 percent" remarks. After their weekly caucus lunch, the GOP lawmakers faced the Capitol Hill media for the first time since the GOP presidential nominee's comments were leaked earlier this week. LINK

ABC NEWS VIDEOS: " Highlights From Romney's Forum at University of Miami with Univision" LINK

BOOKMARKS: The Note: LINK The Must-Reads Online: LINK Top Line Webcast (12noon EST M-F): LINK ABC News Politics: LINK Preview The Political Punch (Jake Tapper): LINK George's Bottom Line (George Stephanopoulos): LINK Follow ABC News on Twitter: LINK ABC News Mobile: LINK ABC News app on your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad: LINK

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