Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Fatherhood | To My Son, On Becoming a Big Brother : Prime Parents ...

Jake and Dog Food

Jake and Dog Food


Dear Jake,

As you and I sit at the kitchen table, listening to the Muppet Movie soundtrack, munching on Cheerios, your mother is upstairs in bed, timing contractions. You have no idea what that means, nor do you understand why your play yard, full of toys in the living room, has been moved to the corner to make room for a birthing tub. By the time you?re old enough to read this, and to fully understand, we will all know whether or not today (October 27, 2012) is your baby sister?s birthday.

?As a man who loves his baby sister dearly, I need to tell you a few things:

You?re about to give up the position of being ?the baby? but you?re trading it for something important?being ?the big brother.?

Girls who are lucky enough to have big brothers always have a source of protection, inspiration, education and support.? You need to figure out, moment-to-moment how to be these things for her.? Sometimes it?s a tough job, but you?ll be glad that you invested the time and energy.? My baby sister is a nearly forty year old police detective.? You might think she doesn?t need her big brother anymore but ask her, she will tell you that having a big brother still comes in handy from time to time.

You need to teach her things.

Right now, I can?t tell you what those things will be.? You?ll have to watch her, grow with her and watch for opportunities to teach her.? Also, be careful about what you teach.? I potty-trained my baby sister.? However, when a little boy teaches a little girl how to pee standing up, the results aren?t usually good and the embarrassing stories that result last for generations!

Never bully her.

For a long time you will probably be stronger and a few steps ahead of her in your development.? That will present many opportunities to bully her and use your age-related advantage to your favor.? Don?t do that.? With great power comes great responsibility.? You are a strong and intelligent boy.? In your little world, use your strength to protect her.? Later in life, when she carries a gun and has the power to put you in jail, you?ll be glad you made this choice.

Don?t eat dog food.

This one has nothing to do with being a big brother, but four times while I was writing this article, I had to jump up to stop you from stuffing a handful of Winston?s kibble into your mouth.? That?s just never a good idea.

In a moment you and I are going to head upstairs to check on your mother and see if those contractions are progressing.? Within the next few days or hours your world is about to change.? You will always associate that change with the name Nellie.? At first you may feel a little bit like she?s taking away some of the attention that now belongs to you.? Before long, though, you won?t remember life without her.? If you?re lucky like me, years from now, she will be one of your best friends and you won?t be able to imagine life without her in it.

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Tags: dads, daughter, featured, letters, sons, Wade Wingler

Category: Parenting/Family, Sons


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Living With HOPE 10/26 by BodyMindSpiritNtwrk | Blog Talk Radio

  • On AirLoading

    Super Role Model, Valerie Jeannis, heralded as ?the Catalyst?, joins the Feminine Soul Radio show and talks about her new book I Am Beautiful: Changing the Way You See Yourself. Valerie will inspire you to say yes to your life and take action on your dreams.

  • Listen to an exclusive interview with the brother of the late GREAT Benjamin "Benji" Wilson; Jeff Wilson. To discuss the 30 for 30 documentary "BENJI" on the life and death of Benji WIlson.

  • We have Grammy award winning record producer Mr Bangladesh for a special 2 hour special, promoting his new artist and music career.

  • Marx & Julie chat with British filmmaker Chris Stone, the writer & director of the Victorian vampire web series turned feature film called Blood and Bone China. As if that wasn't enough, we also speak to our featured indie music artist of the week, Birthrite.

  • Native American Movement founder Russell Means was laid to rest yesterday at his home on Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota. He is remembered with comments, stories, and prayers.

  • Lori Saitz is a nationally recognized expert in using gratitude to boost client retention and increase referral business. She is the founder of Zen Rabbit, which is a concierge type company specializing in helping business professionals ?multiply profits

  • Gus Speth, author of AMERICA THE POSSIBLE,shares his vision of comprehensive and deep change rooted in a political economy that sustains people, communities and nature. Long time Washington insider, he now is part of the protest movement.

  • One of Radio One?s top DJs, DJ Kayotik will be on with us to talk about career, current mixtape KAYOTIK KHRONIKLES VOL. 1, and youth organization.

  • Queen Afua, has been an expert in Wholisitc Health, a lecturer/author for 40 years. She'll discuss the 21 Detoxification Process & the work she's doing in Detroit for the next year. Kilindi Iyi, world renowned lecturer and Master of The African Martial Art

  • Health & Fitness is on tap when International Fitness Model Charles Flanagan and IFBB Pro Fitness competitor Donna Jones from Australia tackle everything from nutrition & exercise to the psychology of living well, Speaking to callers LIVE

  • Stacey Monroe welcomes Rico and J-Rod from the group Recognition to E! GEMZ! Radio to speak about their music career and life. How did they two become Recognition? What did they both give up in order to pursue there music career? Tune in to see what they have

  • Big Blend Radio talks with outdoorsman and naturalist Jay Erskine Leutze about his acclaimed book STAND UP THAT MOUNTAIN: The Battle to Save One Small Community in the Wilderness Along the Appalachian Trail.

  • Teen Hosts McMillen, Janae, Jackie, Jessica, and Salwa discuss common sex myths. Our guests, Crystal Collette and Caitlin Mcardle from Planned Parenthood, are here to give us the facts.

  • This week on the BIG show, host Tim Gordon will talk with writer/director Matthew Cherry about his upcoming drama, The Last Fall. The semi-autobiographical tale tell the story of an NFL journeyman who struggles to deal with life's after the game.

  • In the dark, driving tasks like looking at other vehicles ahead and reading road signs are more difficult for some drivers. With the end of daylight savings only eight days away, tune into Healthy Vision? with Dr. Val Jones to learn how to take better care of your eyes ? and your car ? to improve your nighttime driving.

  • Dawn-Marie Hanrahan is a #1 Bestselling Author and Spiritual Leader, who travels the world educating others.

  • Legendary singer, Tony Bennett kicks off our new Storytellers series with a special live interview. Join hosts Eric Olsen (@amhaunted) of America?s Most Haunted and Chitra Agrawal, BlogTalkRadio?s own Director of Marketing, for the premiere.

  • The Phantom Zone Radio Show welcomes actor, screenwriter, and film editor, Camden Toy. He is best known as a character actor in the series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer and it's spinoff series, Angel.

  • Join Weigh In Sports as they talk to the CEO of Magazine Robin Bayless as they go over the new BCS standings, the founding of the magazine in such a competitive market, the writers and much more.

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    Thursday, October 25, 2012

    Malaysian ? Caveat Venditor ? Let the seller beware | The Sauce ...

    Malaysian ? Caveat Venditor ? Let the seller beware

    By Bernard Sia

    IT Outsourcing is an exciting business in Malaysia, captive IT outsourcing organizations like Felda-Prodata, iPerintis, iCIMB and VADS collectively generates well over half a billion US dollars in revenue. As far as global multinationals are concerned, we have the major stalwarts likes IBM, HP, CSC, Dell, SAP and T-Systems offering their wares to financial services as well as the oil and gas sector; the top two most lucrative sectors within the Malaysia Economy.

    According to the Malaysian government?s Enterprise Transformation Program (ETP), IT Services and Outsourcing contributes 37% of GNI or RM7.215 billion in 2009 with a projected growth of 6.8% yearly, bringing the estimates to about RM9 billion by 2012 (approx. USD3 billion).

    Although many foreign vendors and IT Outsourcing suppliers are keen on getting into the Malaysia market, a number of hidden costs need to be accounted for in order to make a respectable margin and I?ll be sharing with the readers some of my experiences within the last 10 years.

    The scenario in discussion is a straight up open or by invitation only tender of competitive bids; and large government link organizations such as PETRONAS (a Global Fortune 500 company) and Maybank (Malaysia?s No. 1 bank) are extremely supportive of open competitive bids to attain the best IT services at the best price ? a laudable approach that all Malaysian companies should follow.

    The devil for the vendors however, lies in the details.

    The following are the typical cost components associated with participating and executing an IT Outsourcing contract in Malaysia. The scenario applies for large enterprises as well as government link organizations. There seems to be a lack of new paradigm when applying these cost components; so unfortunately for the IT industry, customers have adopted paradigms from the property/construction industry.

    My personal debate is that a number of these cost elements are irrelevant, but unfortunately non-negotiable from where the customer stands.

    1. Buying the Tender Document (Not refundable)
      The nominal sum is anywhere from RM100 to RM5,000 (USD30 to USD1600 or sometimes more). The rational is that the customer had to spend resources preparing for the tender specifications.
    2. Preparing, Printing and Shipping the Tender Proposal Document.
      Tender documents tend to be divided into 2 parts, Technical and Commercial. These needs to be sealed separately and mixing the details together can disqualify the bidder. The catch is; most of the time customers made it mandatory for physical paper printed form, and yes, in multiple copies. The most painful tender that I?ve heard of, required 21 copies in total; while my personal experience averages about three to seven copies of each document or 14 documents in total. So we?re talking about massive administrative work within a very short time frame!
    3. Bid Bond (A banker?s guarantee ? Refundable after the tender has been awarded)
      Cited as a reason to filter companies that do not have the financial strength to carry through the project ? it can be substantial. The amount varies, from a flat fee of say USD25,000 or 1%-3% of the project budget. Here?s a hint, I use it as an indicator of the budget because of the percentage through experience. The larger the banker?s guarantee required, the larger the budget; but do use your own discretion and proceed with caution, lest you overprice your bid.The challenge to vendors is the lengthy tender period from RFP (Request for Proposal) to actual award, typically anywhere from three to nine months; sometimes to even a year. Substantial investment interests could have been earned from the bond and I?ve been into several tenders where multinational vendors have vented their frustration during negotiations because of the bond.
    4. Performance Bond (A banker?s guarantee upon award ? Refundable after the outsourcing contract scope has been performed)
      This is treated like a piggy bank that customers can dip their hands into to penalize vendors should they underperform. The trend that I am exposed to is a 5% figure of the overall contract cost but this can vary. Again, this places strain on cash flow as you need to pony up at the beginning of the engagement.
    5. Service tax of 6%
      This may seem obvious, but during negotiations, the customers in Malaysia have a tendency to compel the vendor to reduce the bid price to negate the 6%. The only rationale that I can think off is a negotiation technique to immediately shave something off the top.
    6. Escrow Services
      These are payments a 3rd party provider that maintains a product?s source code in the event the vendor goes bust. Relevant only to bespoke software development scenarios, and not prevalent as yet, but I?ve been in situations where the customer insisted on it for software projects.
    7. Premiums from Insurance
      Again, the construction industry paradigm is heavily adopted here, particularly requests for Public Liability Insurance, a need that is irrelevant if the software is intended for internal use only. So the risk of the ?public? users being ?hurt? by the software is extremely rare. There is however, a growing trend of requesting for Professional Indemnity Insurance, covering liabilities equivalent to the outsourcing project value or more. The premium unfortunately, can be prohibitive depending on the size of the project and varies with insurance brokers. Do speak to your respective brokers as they may not even insure the scope if it is too vague.
    8. Risk of not getting paid when contracting through a 3rd party
      The question is whether you as a vendor should ?prime? the contract. On one hand you expose yourself to all the risk as the primary contract participant; however, you could also fall prey to situations where the prime does not pay you as a subcontractor, citing customers not paying as a reason to renege.Although this may be true, you are legally entitled to go after the primary contractor; sadly, if the situation gets really bad, the primary vendor can file for bankruptcy. So it is highly important that you pick your friends carefully within Malaysian shores. A good bet would be notable public listed IT firms that have a good track record.
    9. Margins at risk
      a.??? Accepted Liabilities
      Depending on the customer, this can be a negotiation point. Some have chosen to disqualify vendors that choose not to comply with the terms of liabilities. The advice is to qualify first and negotiate the terms later once you?ve successfully been shortlisted. Values vary from 50% to 200% of the outsourcing project price should you fail to deliver the project.
      b.??? Penalties for lateness, delivery completeness, service level breach
      These are usually a daily prescribed rate, which can be anything from 0.5% of the project cost per day or a flat rate of several thousand ringgit. The challenge here is negotiating for a ceiling and a penalty figure that makes sense for the customer. A service level breach is more straightforward, dip below the guarantee, and you will be accorded penalty points, which can be translated to monetary terms or more free services in man-days.

    To end, while the list may not be conclusive this represents the major hidden costs that needs to be accounted for.

    As a vendor we like to argue that contracting terms should not be punitive, and relationships are built upon trust, but the realities of Malaysian IT Outsourcing can lead to vendor cost overruns for those who are not prepared. Sales would divert the risk to the delivery team for the sake of meeting numbers, but suffice to say the business will not last long when it bleeds from winning a pyrrhic IT Outsourcing Contract.

    I would advise Malaysian customers to review some of the terms, as it unnecessarily heightens the risk of failure from a vendor cash flow standpoint; secondly, it also forces the vendor to pass the risk back to the customer through higher prices. Especially areas that can be irrelevant to the contract scope, secondly; do ensure close collaboration between the procurement, legal and the IT department responsible for the contract; more often than not there exists contradictory KPIs which results in having to retender the scope again ? a huge time waster for everyone involved.

    So I wish everyone good luck on your respective IT Outsourcing endeavours, Caveat Emptor e Caveat Venditor!
    Bernard Sia is the Head of Strategy at Mesiniaga Alliances in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and can be contacted at


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    High risk personal loan: cash assistance when you require it most ...

    Finance | Loans | * Written by Andrew Robinson | Tuesday, 23 October 2012 23:26 | Word Count: 381

    Bad credit history is not a curse in current scenario because bad credit holders are also getting finance from the lenders of high risk personal loan. Although it is very risky to offer cash to the bad credit holders, there are so many loan lenders available over internet that are ready to offer you cash despite of your poor credit tags such as missed payments, skip installments, CCJs, IVA and even bankruptcy. To procure cash from these lenders just assure the lenders about repayment of loan amount. This is all that you need to do get cash approved from these lenders.

    These loans are approved on the basis of customer?s current income status. So, you need not worry if your past credit history is not satisfactory. The lenders of high risk personal loan approve cash for those candidates who are eligible to apply for bad credit loans. To apply for loans only those candidates are eligible who have completed 18 years age possesses checking account in their name, have residence proof of USA and have regular source of income. If you are able to qualify mentioned terms and conditions, you can go for high risk personal loan without any hesitation.

    To apply for these loans you need not visit lender?s office as these lenders are available over internet. To access these lenders you just need to have pc with internet connection. Just log onto lender?s website and fill a simple application form with basic details such as your name, contact number, account number, email id, your earning etc. provide authentic details only otherwise your application will not be considered. Also, remain alert while applying because there are so many fraud lenders who can make you prey with their alluring schemes. Apply online after being assured the loan lender is legitimate.

    It takes only few hours to get approval from the lenders of High Risk Personal Loans as there are no time consuming procedures like, credit check, faxing etc. moreover, you need not standing in long queue for hours to apply since application form is filled online. Hence, both getting and repaying of loan amount is very easy.


    Andrew Robinson is an author and great financial adviser of bad credit loans. Get fast personal loans and online High Risk Personal Loans, for more details.

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    League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 98 - Blog - SoloMid.NET ...

    League of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 98

    by Protatomonster @ October 24, 2012
    4430 Views Enjoy week 98 of our League of Legends Top 5 Plays Segment and congrats to everyone who made it in! Thanks for all of your constant support!


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    Wednesday, October 24, 2012

    Parting Schotts: Inside College Hockey hangs up skates after 10 years

    Some sad news to report.

    Late Sunday night, Inside College Hockey announced that it is shutting down its site after 10 years. In a letter to its readers, INCH said that "real life" had caught up with the staff.

    It has set up, and will occasionally have posts there. But it just won't be the same.

    To read the farewell post, click here.


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    Shooting Challenge: Solarization

    It looks simultaneously familiar and strange. Solarization reverses the shadows and highlights of an image, creating a sort of opposite world. And for this week's Shooting Challenge, you're going to try it out. More »


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    Limbaugh: Romney?s ?You Skipped Israel? Remarks ?One Of My Favorite Facts Of All Time?

    Tags: 2012 Presidential Debate, Angry Stare, AP, Associated Press, barack obama, Blank Slate, debate, Debates, Elections 2012, Israel, Mitt Romney, Mitt Romney Debate, Obama Debate, Obama Romney Debate, Politics News, Presidential Debate, Presidential Debate 2012, Presidential Debates, Romney Debate, Romney Obama Debate, Rush Limbaugh, Skipping Israel, video, You Skipped Israel


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    Tuesday, October 23, 2012

    Video: Is Eli NFL's best in the clutch?

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    Parental Stress Increases Obesity Risk In ChildrenYour Health ...

    From Psych Central?..

    Parental stress, often in the form of single-parent households, appears to play a role in childhood obesity, affecting both unhealthy food consumption and lower physical activity.

    In the new study, investigators discovered parents with a high number of stressors in their lives are more likely to have obese children.

    Specifically, researchers determined that when parents perceive themselves to be stressed, their children eat fast food more often, compared to children whose parents feel less stressed. Parental financial stress was also associated with lower levels of physical activity.

    ?Stress in parents may be an important risk factor for child obesity and related behaviors,? said Elizabeth Prout-Parks, M.D., the leader of a study recently published in journal Pediatrics. ?The severity and number of stressors are important.?

    Parental stressors linked to childhood obesity include poor physical and mental health, financial strain, and leading a single-parent household, Prout-Parks said.

    Although previous researchers had found a connection between parental stress and child obesity, the current study covered a more diverse population, both ethnically and socioeconomically, than did previous studies.

    The study team suggested that interventions aimed at reducing parental stress and teaching coping skills may assist public health campaigns in addressing childhood obesity.

    The researchers analyzed self-reported data from 2,119 parents and caregivers who participated in telephone surveys in the 2006 Southeastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey/Community Health Database, conducted in Philadelphia and neighboring suburbs.

    To read the full story?..Click here


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    How to build a strong and Loving Relationship - the Urban Dater

    Relationships can be described as an emotional or other connection between two or more people. A relationship can be split into two, kinship (relationship by blood or marriage), and relationship with the outside environment, such as, at work, in school, neighborhood etc.

    Whenever we mention the word relationship, what quickly come to people?s mind are dating, courtship, and the likes.

    It is discovered that the largest percentage of the world relationship doesn?t last longer, marriages often breaks, dating crashes because of lack of simple understanding.

    This article is directed at how you can build and maintain a long lasting relationship.

    Build Trust in each Other

    I have been privileged to attend to a lot of relationship cases, and I discovered that the largest amount of broken relationships is caused by lack of trust.

    Trust is very important in a relationship, most people don?t longer trust. The question I always ask is that ?How can you say you love someone and you never trust the fellow?? This is an area where most people miss it, some will even go as far as having an alternative date in order to cover up in case of heartbreak. If spouses can introduce trust in their relationship, everything will just flow simple and easy.


    Another tip to maintaining a last longer relationship is communication. The world is now a global village, where we have so many devices that make communication easier, why can?t you tap into the new development to facilitate your relationship. Even if you resides in miles apart, the messengers, such as Skype, Facebook, Yahoo etc. has kept everybody together.

    Always reach a conclusion when discussing issues

    Issues left un-trashed out always leads to confusion and indecision. if you have refused to reach a compromise on an issue, you may end up stepping on each other?s toes, that is why it is always good to reach an agreement which will never be breach on matters.

    Go out and have fun together

    The beach, cinemas, eateries, gardens are some of the places that can continue to key up your relationship life. Sitting together to watch movie at the Cinema will broaden more affection. Having fun together will trigger more love.

    Make love

    I am turning only to the married on this, sex is a major aspect of marriage, the more you feel yourself together, and the more you make strong your relationship. Having sex means, I surrender my whole self to you; treat me the way you want.

    Feel each other?s pain

    Always be compassionate, you have to know whatever is going wrong with your spouse, and in turn, try to make each other happy as much as you can.

    Buy Gifts

    In a relationship, a school of thought said ?the gift of a man maketh way for him?, this time around, not only the man, some women believe so much that gift presentation is strictly for the man, this is a wrong idea. Especially whenever you find out what your spouse love most, buy and present it, and appreciate it whenever you get a gift from your loved ones, never condemn or reject a gift even if they are not worth-while.

    There are so many tips to maintain a long lasting relationship, if you are trying to take those tips as a rule of law, you will end up as a flaw. The major thing I will like you to focus on is to be simple as much as you can, be the serving one and don?t expect to be served all the time, and all will just go smoothly.

    Konga Felix

    Konga Felix is a Relationship and Business counselor, he knows the importance of finances in keeping a home running, that is why he chooses as a partner and he shows interested friends on how it works.

    Latest posts by Konga Felix (see all)


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    Monday, October 22, 2012

    Exec says he never heard man was Spears' manager

    FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2012 file photo, singer Britney Spears arrives at the Pre-GRAMMY Gala & Salute to Industry Icons with Clive Davis honoring Richard Branson in Beverly Hills, Calif. Testimony has opened in a defamation lawsuit against Britney Spears' parents, with a top record executive, Barry Weiss, saying on Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, he was never told that plaintiff Sam Lutfi was her manager. (AP Photo/Vince Bucci, file)

    FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2012 file photo, singer Britney Spears arrives at the Pre-GRAMMY Gala & Salute to Industry Icons with Clive Davis honoring Richard Branson in Beverly Hills, Calif. Testimony has opened in a defamation lawsuit against Britney Spears' parents, with a top record executive, Barry Weiss, saying on Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, he was never told that plaintiff Sam Lutfi was her manager. (AP Photo/Vince Bucci, file)

    FILE - In this Friday, Oct. 19, 2012 file photo, Britney Spears' parents, Lynne Spears, left, and Jamie Spears arrive at court in Los Angeles. Testimony has opened in a defamation lawsuit against Britney Spears' parents, with a top record executive, Barry Weiss, saying on Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, he was never told that plaintiff Sam Lutfi was her manager. (AP Photo/Nick Ut, File)

    FILE - In this May 14, 2012 file photo, new "X Factor" judge Britney Spears attends the FOX network presentation party at Wollman Rink, in New York. A top recording executive testified Monday that he was Britney Spears' "lifeline" during the darkest days of her well-documented meltdown and never heard that she had a new manager named Sam Lutfi. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, File)

    (AP) ? A top recording executive testified Monday that he was Britney Spears' "lifeline" during the darkest days of her well-documented meltdown and never heard that she had a new manager named Sam Lutfi.

    Barry Weiss, who headed Jive Records, the label on which Spears recorded, said his only contact from Lutfi in 2007-08 was when Weiss asked him for assurance that Spears would be on set to record a music video for her "Blackout" album.

    "Britney was pretty erratic at the time," Weiss testified during trial in a defamation lawsuit brought by Lutfi against Spears' parents.

    Lutfi claims he was Spears' personal manager and deserves millions as his share of her income during that period.

    The defamation suit stems from the way Lutfi is depicted in a book written by Spears' mother that detailed the star's meltdown.

    The trial took an early recess Monday and will resume Tuesday.

    Conservators of Spears' estate, including her father, Jamie, who was in court, contend that Lutfi was never her manager but was simply a user who inserted himself into Spears' life and preyed on her vulnerabilities.

    Weiss told of working closely with her former personal manager, Larry Rudolph, but said he was never told Lutfi had assumed the role.

    "Sam Lutfi never introduced himself or came in for a meeting. He never discussed records or a record contract," Weiss said.

    "He helped us get a video made," Weiss acknowledged. "He was trying to keep Britney on the set."

    But in the end, Weiss said he saw Lutfi's role as a "gofer ... like a personal assistant."

    Weiss said the singer would discuss with him the album's packaging, choice of a single record and creative matters normally discussed with a manager.

    "There was no manager involved," Weiss said. "She was estranged from her family. I felt I was a lifeline for her. She was texting me constantly from her cellphone."

    Weiss said that he had known Spears since she was 16 when he signed her for a contract with Jive Records.

    "She's a superstar, a household name in every country in the world," Weiss said.

    On cross-examination by Lutfi's attorney, Weiss said Spears' current contract requires one more album. Weiss said he has been in talks to persuade Spears to join him at his new label.

    "It would be nice to be back together, if that happened," he said.

    Associated Press


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    Claim your FREE Gossy Stickers and Fridge Magnets at Martin Print!RescueTime is a free download which can be installed and set up in just minutes.
    The application then quietly bubbles away to itself in the background, monitoring your every move ? every website you visit, every application you open, and just how long you spend on each activity.
    The comprehensive ongoing reports can then be pulled up on the screen at any time, to reveal a complete overview of your business efficiency and distractive behaviour.

    The productivity ratings for every website and application that you use can easily be adjusted to reflect your own outlook on their worth.
    For example, it shouldn?t come as a major surprise to discover that Facebook is automatically listed as a ?very distracting? activity which will severely bring down your overall efficiency score if you loiter around there for too long.
    However, if you generally only use Facebook to keep an eye on your business page, and very rarely use the site for personal purposes, then you have the flexible freedom to change the rating of this activity to ?distracting?, ?neutral?, ?productive? or even ?very productive?.

    Do try not to cheat though!
    It?s no good trying to convince yourself that playing Angry Birds for 8 hours is anything other than very distracting!
    If you want to see a truly honest picture of your typical working day, then first you?re going to have to be completely honest about the real value of each activity.

    The RescueTime service is also crammed with a host of additional features, including an opportunity to set up specific timeframes for all your crucial ?goals?, and even a handy Alert Tool which will give you a virtual slap in the face whenever you?re in danger of really heading off track?

    As ever with these useful freebies, a premium version of RescueTime is also available with a stack of extra options for the advanced timewaster!
    But the standard free version is an incredibly impressive and fully functional App for the everyday user, and it?s well worth spending just a little bit of your precious time on giving it a go to unveil the true picture behind your working day.

    Just be sure to change the setting of the Martin Print Blog to ?very productive??




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    Sunday, October 21, 2012

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    Get The Right Gear Before You Start Playing Sports

    Sports is a great way to have a lot of fun. It's great exercise, gives you plenty of motivation, and allows for a lot of social interaction. Sure, you might get a better workout if you put on your headphones and sweat for hours at the gym every day, but that requires tremendous amount of willpower, and it's generally not a lot of fun. When people think of going to the gym, it's generally something they think "have to do," rather than something they look forward to.

    But when you play a sport, any kind of team sport, it's a lot more fun. This not only means you'll be able to look forward to it, but it means you'll likely do it more often. Picking a sport is generally a matter of trial and error. Maybe some guys are leaving work on Friday afternoon and they ask you in passing if you'd like to join them for a game of volleyball. You decide to, think it's fun, and you're hooked.

    Other ways to get into a sport is by watching it on TV, and then deciding it looks fun. For example, when various countries teams make it to advanced levels in the Soccer World Cup, many citizens in that country decide to take up soccer for the first time. Other people may decide to take up a sport that is positively displayed by a local athlete during the Olympics.

    However you choose your sport, it's very important to have the right gear. You don't want to be caught with your pants down, so to speak. That's why you should take your time to make sure you've got the right stuff. There's a couple ways of doing this. One is to simply ask around. Find some people who are already involved in the sport. Get their opinions on the best gear. Not only will you find some expert opinions, but you might get some great deals on some used equipment. Many people that have played sports for a while have tons of old stuff that they don't know what to do with.

    Of course, there are some basics that you'll need for every sport. A good pair of shoes, the proper clothing, and whatever kind of athletic socks you like. Many people forget about getting socks, but without the right socks of the right construction, you might get plenty of blisters. Nobody likes blisters.


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    Saturday, October 20, 2012

    Waldorf Astoria collects stolen hotel property

    NEW YORK (AP) ? Three small, silver spoons elegantly engraved with the words "Waldorf Astoria" have come full circle: Stolen eight decades ago by an employee of the famed hotel, they passed through two Brooklyn homes and another three in New Jersey.

    Then, earlier this month, Brigid Brown packed them up, took them back through the chandeliered foyer of the hotel and plunked them down on a table ? as part of a Waldorf amnesty program that seeks the return of pilfered property, no questions asked.

    "At first, I thought, 'Was my husband's grandfather a thief? How could he do this?'" she asked.

    The spoons joined dozens of other items that are back in their rightful place, including teapots, coffee pots, creamers, coasters and dishes for nuts.

    Just don't call them stolen items.

    Each was "secretly checked out," the hotel says on its Facebook page. And "we're giving you the chance to give it back."

    The Waldorf's fancy what-nots are trickling back with stories of human lives, loves and losses going as far back as the early 20th century. They trace the history of the 129-year-old hotel that fills a whole city block on Manhattan's east side. It has hosted every U.S. president ? including Barack Obama this week ? and been home to celebrities from Frank Sinatra and Cole Porter to Paris Hilton.

    But the program that started on July 1 offers glimpses into more ordinary lives of people who came to the Waldorf for something special, such as a wedding night, an anniversary, an award or special vacation.

    Some items are of no particular value, except emotional, such as a "Do Not Disturb" sign from a couple's wedding night that an archivist pulls out of a cardboard box along with postcards written by the blissful guests.

    The new collection will be displayed in glass cases in the lobby with other objects and photos from a celebrity-studded past.

    Beyond historic nostalgia, the project has a new-age business purpose: To raise the profile of an old, iconic institution in today's social-media marketing world.

    Matt Zolbe, the Waldorf's director of sales and marketing, hopes images of interesting returned property the hotel is loading on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest will be retweeted or reposted "to attract a new generation to the Waldorf," where room rates start at about $400 a night.

    Christine Hayner, a 25-year-old Waldorf sales manager, says she's never helped herself to anything at the hotel. But her grandmother did, on her wedding night in 1949.

    This summer, while at the family beach house on the New Jersey shore, a Waldorf silver fork suddenly appeared in her grandmother's hand.

    "She said, 'I have something from your hotel, and I want you to have it ? it's important to me,'" Hayner quotes her as saying.

    The granddaughter accepted the salad fork, more than a half century after it disappeared from a cart that brought a room-service meal to the newlyweds.

    But then, said Hayner, "I thought, 'What am I going to do with this?'"

    Three days later, she got the answer at a business meeting where Waldorf executives announced their amnesty idea.

    But other objects are still missing, including thousands of demitasse spoons that were the most popular stolen item ? easy to tuck away in a pocket or purse.

    One unique piece never made it back: the glass door to a shower in the Waldorf Towers apartment of Sinatra and his wife, Nancy, with their initials carved into it. An unnamed seller once offered the Waldorf the door, "but it's not a hotel practice to purchase items that may have been stolen," said Zolbe.

    Waldorf archivist Alex Duryee said surprise packages have come from across the country, from California and Texas to Massachusetts and Louisiana.

    Two silver butter knives were returned to the front desk by a relative of a New Jersey woman who attended separate luncheons honoring her for selling the most dresses for charity.

    "She took a knife each time," Duryee said. "They were her secret trophies."

    Brown, who lives in Somerset, N.J., and returned the three spoons earlier this month, said the story of how her husband's grandfather swiped the silverware while working as a clerk at the Waldorf in the 1920s and '30s is now part of family lore. She's kept them in a home drawer, tied together with a rubber band.

    But sentimentality dies hard.

    She sheepishly admitted there were actually four stolen spoons.

    "I wanted one as a keepsake."


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    Tim Tebow Trademarks ?Tebowing!? ? NOW 100.5 FM that Tim Tebow is NOW the legal owner of the word ?Tebowing!?

    The phrase became a pop culture?phenomenon?after Tebow was spotted on the football field, kneeling in prayer.

    Tebow took out the trademark not because he wanted to make money off ?Tebowing,? but rather because he wanted to prevent others from profiting off of his good name.

    Get the whole story HERE


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    Friday, October 19, 2012

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    How the major stock indexes fared Thursday

    Google inadvertently released disappointing quarterly earnings early, dragging down the Nasdaq composite index. The broader stock market was mostly flat.

    The Dow Jones industrial average fell 8.06 points, less than 0.1 percent, to 13,548.94.

    The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 3.57 points, or 0.2 percent, to 1,457.34.

    The Nasdaq composite index fell 31.25 points, or 1 percent, to 3,072.87.

    For the week:

    The Dow is up 220.09 points, or 1.7 percent.

    The S&P 500 is up 28.75 points, or 2 percent.

    The Nasdaq is up 28.76 points, or 0.9 percent.

    For the year:

    The Dow is up 1,331.38 points, or 10.9 percent.

    The S&P 500 is up 199.74 points, or 15.9 percent.

    The Nasdaq is up 467.72 points, or 18 percent.


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